Xetra-Gold: Deutsche Börse und Deutsche Bank beziehen Stellung
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Update (02.09.2016, 16.05 Uhr): Nach der Deutsche Börse Commodities GmbH hat inzwischen auch die Deutsche Bank eine Stellungnahme abgegeben. Die Deutsche Bank betont in ihrer Stellungnahme gegenüber GodmodeTrader, dass sie selbstverständlich den im Verkaufsprospekt von Xetra-Gold genannten Verpflichtungen inklusive der Auslieferung nachkomme. Entsprechende Aufträge von Deutsche-Bank-Kunden würden entgegengenommen. Wegen der mit der Auslieferung verbunden Kosten empfiehlt die Deutsche Bank aber jeweils die Überprüfung der Wirtschaftlichkeit einer Auslieferung. Den im Artikel genannten Vorfall dementiert die Deutsche Bank ausdrücklich nicht: "Sollte es in Einzelfällen dazu gekommen sein, dass dem Wunsch eines des Anlegers nach Aushändigung physischen Goldes nicht sofort entsprochen wurde, wird dies überprüft und eine individuelle Lösung mit dem Kunden gefunden.“
Hier die Stellungnahme in ihrer Gänze:
„Die Deutsche Bank kommt als eines der emissionsbegleitenden Institute selbstverständlich den im Verkaufsprospekt von Xetra-Gold genannten Verpflichtungen nach. Dies schließt die Erfüllung des durch Xetra-Gold verbrieften Lieferanspruchs auf physisches Gold ein. Dies muss über die Hausbank des Anlegers erfolgen, die auch das Depot führt. Entsprechende Aufträge zur Auslieferung nimmt die Deutsche Bank von ihren Kunden entgegen. Es entstehen dem Anleger die im Verkaufsprospekt beschriebenen Kosten, etwa für Formung, Verpackung und den versicherten Transport zur Lieferstelle. Aus diesem Grund empfehlen wir die jeweils individuelle Überprüfung der Wirtschaftlichkeit einer physischen Auslieferung. Sollte es in Einzelfällen dazu gekommen sein, dass dem Wunsch eines des Anlegers nach Aushändigung physischen Goldes nicht sofort entsprochen wurde, wird dies überprüft und eine individuelle Lösung mit dem Kunden gefunden.“
Artikel vom 01.09.2016, 16:32 Uhr:
Der gestrige Artikel "Xetra-Gold: Doch nur ein Fetzen Papier?" hat große Wellen geschlagen: Nicht nur, dass GodmodeTrader unter anderem von der an der Wall Street einflussreichen Finanzwebseite "Zero Hedge" zitiert wurde. Auch bei der Deutschen Bank und bei der Deutschen Börse hat der Artikel intern für einigen Wirbel gesorgt, wie an Godmode-Trader herangetragen wurde.
Die Deutsche Börse Commodities GmbH hat inzwischen eine recht schwammig formulierte Stellungnahme zur physischen Auslieferbarkeit von Xetra-Gold veröffentlicht. Die entscheidenden Sätze lauten: "Die Deutsche Börse Commodities GmbH betont, dass Inhaber von Xetra-Gold-Anteilen jederzeit das Recht auf Auslieferung des verbrieften Goldes geltend machen können. Die Auslieferung erfolgt durch eine vom Investor bezeichnete Geschäftsstelle einer Bank. Voraussetzung ist, dass die Geschäftsstelle diesen Service anbietet, denn die Auslieferung kann nur über die depotführende Bank des Anlegers erfolgen."
Mit anderen Worten: Es hängt laut Deutsche Börse Commodities von der jeweiligen Bankfiliale ab, ob die physische Auslieferung durchgeführt werden kann. In einem telefonischen Gespräch wollte die Deutsche Börse Commodities GmbH gegenüber Godmode-Trader keine weiteren Angaben dazu machen, ob die physische Auslieferung erfahrungsgemäß in den meisten Bankfilialen durchführbar ist oder nicht. Auch konnte die Deutsche Börse Commodities GmbH auf Nachfrage keine Bank nennen, bei der die Auslieferung aktuell problemlos klappt.
Fazit: Der eigentlich mit Xetra-Gold erworbene Anspruch auf die Auslieferung des verbrieften Goldes ist eher theoretischer Natur: Nur wenn die jeweilige Bankfiliale auch mitspielt, ist eine physische Auslieferung möglich. Misstrauische Gold-Anleger sollten Xetra-Gold als weitere Form von Papiergold und nicht als eine physische Goldanlage betrachten.
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Thank you for being clear and upfront on behalf of your own community The following is our autopsy of events until we hear something else. But the credibility of the product has been damaged in the least.
Update 4: Deutsche Bank- Gold not delivered "For Reasons of Business Policy"
That is not hyperbole. At best it is a mistake. At worst it is true. If a mistake, the retraction or denial should be coming 30 minutes ago. And the chairmen of all involved firms should be making simultaneous statements. They are not. That is because right now they are likely squabling and surrounding themselves with lawyers trying to figure out who the patsy is. The patsy is us.- Soren K
In Update-3: Deutsche Boerse responds to Xetra-Gold Delivery Allegations we noted
Logistics errors were compounded with Bureaucratic responses- from our experience (see below), that is possible, but the structure and division of control vs responsibility is no accident. It is set up to bottleneck things if there ever were a delivery issue. Throttle demand when a rush comes. Similar to being able to subscribe to a mailing list but it being near impossible to remove yourself. A hallmark of Fractional Reserve Banking BTW. Deutsche Bank doesn't have the Gold available or doesn't want to give it up
Thus far we've gotten no real answer from DBE or DB that wasn't designed to throttle efforts at uncovering truth. So we asked Oliver Baron of Godmode to answer a couple questions. He did and also pointed out errors on our part
First our question:
Soren K
What were the actual reasons that DBE would/could not provide you with another delivery point? Do you fel that DVBE was running a roadblock for DB. Orthat DBE representatives were inept in theri handling ofthe situation? or something else?- Sorenk
Here is Olver's response in full. Errors on ourpart have since been corrected. One of which was our delusion that this could have been in fact a buraeucratic or administrative "mix up" as Deutsche Borse's Patrick Kalbenn would have us believe:
It is no Longer Possible to Take Delivery "For Reasons of Business Policy"
Jobs Disappoint- Gold Jumps The Risk is in Assuming you will Get your Gold now
While officials at Xetra, Deutsche Borse, and Deutsche Bank are right now getting their story straight, putting out backroom fires, we the public that were sold on this product as being backed to the ounce by Gold are choking on the smoke.
Make your own decisions. But we would personally remove our gold from that product in light of this information and in light of other firms involved NOT making a strong stand to protect the credibility of their product from the beginning
As to other products, We are sure that if this spreads they may begin tracking Gold at a discount to price, much as cash settled swaps trade under physically settled ones.
Paper gold is looking to be just that. Who do you trust?
Be Careful, now more than ever
upps !!!!!
What were the actual reasons that DBE would/could not provide you with another delivery point? Do you fel that DVBE was running a roadblock for DB. Orthat DBE representatives were inept in theri handling ofthe situation? orsomething else?- Sorenk
DBE response Email http://www.marketslant.com/articles/update-deutsch...
The Response
Xetra Gold feedback of issuer
patrick.kalbhenn@deutsche-boerse.com Today, 4:36 AMSoren K
Hello Soren,
as I wrote in my email above one hour ago, please find attached the website statement of Deutsche Börse Commodity GmbH's management in English:
The question was raised in a current article on an investor website of whether physical gold can in fact be delivered without any problem.
Deutsche Börse Commodities GmbH stresses that owners of Xetra Gold units can exercise their right to delivery of securitised gold at any time. The gold is delivered by the bank branch on which the investor has its securities account – on the condition that the branch offers this service, as the gold can only be delivered through the investor's custodian bank. Deutsche Börse Commodities GmbH may be contacted by investors as well as banks at any time should the custodian bank have any questions or problems.
Since the introduction of Xetra-Gold in 2007, investors have exercised this right 900 times, with a total of 4.5 tons of gold delivered.
Please find some further important background information regarding the product and the original article on the German website Godmode Trader:
Neither Xetra nor Deutsche Bank are the issuer of the exchange-traded commodity “Xetra-Gold”.
The issuer of Xetra-Gold is Deutsche Börse Commodities GmbH, based in Frankfurt Main, Germany. It is a joint venture between Deutsche Börse AG and the banks Commerzbank AG, Deutsche Bank AG, DZ BANK AG, B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co. KGaA, along with Swiss-based Bank Vontobel. Umicore AG & Co. KG, a subsidiary of Umicore S.A., which operates several gold refineries across the globe and manufactures gold bars, is also a partner. The partners bundle their exchange, financial market, settlement, custody and logistics expertise with the aim of providing an efficient and transparent market in the financial centre of Frankfurt for gold trading in Europe.
Deutsche Börse AG organizes trading, clearing (anonymously via the central counterparty) and settlement of the transactions. Clearstream Banking AG stores the gold in its vaults in line with highest security standards and oversees that each unit of Xetra-Gold is always covered by exactly one gram of physical gold.
(You find this information here: https://www.xetra-gold.com/en/about-us/)
For delivery of the physical gold, investors should contact their own bank (bank of investor’s security account) for exercising the right of receiving gold. For operational reasons, gold can only be delivered via a branch of a bank – on the condition that the specified branch offers this service. The investor's client advisor applies for delivery to the bank maintaining the investor's securities account.
The article on the German website Godmode Trader describes a case, where an unknown person who seemed to have issues with the gold delivery when he entered a banking branch of Deutsche Bank asking for the gold delivery. The article further claims that he got the information that this branch does not offer the delivery service for clients anymore.
This has explicitly nothing to do with the general process of delivering Xetra-Gold to investors. Of course, delivering gold to customers is still possible.
You find detailed information on Xetra-Gold’s delivering process here: https://www.xetra-gold.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Downloads_English/Brochures/Ausuebung_XetraGold.pdf
Thanks a lot,
That is it for now. We will be sure to update you as more information is forthcoming. It is our goal to provide a comprehensive recap and to be objective in our own analysis. WE have used restraint in our opinions based on our experiences and own integrity in matters such as these. But we also do not need total metaphysical certainty to call something what it is. Which we will do if it comes to that.
if we were DBE we'd be getting ready to be sued by Xetra to cover their own potential breach of covenant. Ultimately this will be between DBE and Deutsche Bank. itwill either be a logistical/administrative mix-up, or DB didn;t have the Gold and instructed branches ot not beavailable and DBE to run interference, or something wemissed that is much less/more nefarious- Soren K
Personal Examples of Gamesmanship and Delaying Delivery
This has happened to us on several occasions. The first 2 that show that a bank is actually able to refuse to dispense and worse, refuse to accept US currency at its branches if it doesn't have room. With no obligation to accommodate the person trying to deposit said cash via another branch. The third example shows how Banks can do what ever they want so long as the other side of the trade is fragmented and has less capital then they do.
We requested large sum of currency in change once AND COULD NOT GET MONEY "We don't have that kind of currency here" how do i get it? "It will take 4 weeks. We will take delivery of as much as our vault can handle and you can pick it up" What if I want it now? which branch has that amount? None, we use an outside firm to warehouse change and do not have that volume on hand in the tri-state area. We have to request it We tried to make delivery of a large sum of change AND THE BANK REFUSED OUR CASH every bank said NO. They could not take that volume of change They all told us to contact an outside change service like Loomis, Brinks, or any other firm they had a contract to deliver with Loomis actually refused nickels in its own wrappers saying it had to be counted at the bank- Bank doesn't have room, see loomis. Loomis needs bank to count it! On occasion we took delivery of Silver to arb the contango at rollover time. AND WE HAD TO PAY FOR SILVER WE DID NOT RECEIVE YET Sometimes delivery receipts weren't in our hands until after we had sold it out again, 3 to 5 days later The FCM wanted its cash next day after we declared taking delivery BUT the receipts for the Silver weren't in our hands until 3 days after we had sold the physical back out
We later learned why this happened. Two potential reasons were given by a "Player" in the market
They didn't have it and had to lease it- this was during the PhiBro short squeeze They wanted to give you the "heavy" Silver. I.E, bars with the highest % of impurities but still under the wire for the standard Our Request for Information
Our email to them
From: Soren K. WallSt.Whisperer
Sent: Thursday, September 1, 2016 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: Xetra-Gold -MarketSlant.com
MarketSlant has withdrawn the story in good faith after being alerted of the situation. We would like the reciprocal courtesy of a written response explaining the mix up. Your response will be published to satisfy our readers on the topic with no editorial comments at that time. A copy of your press release in the body of an email would be effective in showing your seriousness and for our audience.
Regards, Soren K.
MarketSlant hat die Geschichte in gutem Glauben zurückgezogen, nachdem Sarah mich an die Situation aufmerksam gemacht. Wir möchten die gegenseitige Höflichkeit einer schriftlichen Antwort Erklärung der Verwechslung . Ihre Antwort veröffentlicht werden unsere Leser über das Thema ohne redaktionelle Kommentare zu dieser Zeit gerecht zu werden. Eine Kopie Ihres Pressemitteilung im Körper einer E-Mail würde , um Ihr Ernst wirksam sein und für uns, unsere Glaubwürdigkeit mit unserem Publikum zu halten.
Soren K.
Deutsche Borse Responds
About the Response
It addresses the single person's attempt as isolated stating that particular branch was not in a position to deliver to him- so far so good It says : Delivery of Gold is still "possible"- is this lost in translation? Because possible is not a strong word. We'd like to hear mandated or necessary to our product's integrity. We'd like to hear emphatic words like in their press releases. Words that do not equivocate. Or just an answer of"how" other than a repost of the rules DBE spokesperson Patrick Kalbhenn does address that the particular branch did not deal in Gold deliveries. Fair enough. But he goes on to say that it has"nothing to do with our process. So what does? Oliver Baron of GodMode also claims he contacted DBE seeking other branches and the person on the other line was unwilling/unable to help him- why was that not addressed as true and a mix up or not true at all?
The lack of certainty, the hesitancy to use superlatives in defending their mandate to deliver Gold, and the utter lack of counterpoint to the GodMode's trade's claims on give us pause.
Tja Herr Baron, da haben Sie mit Ihrem Artikel so ein bisserl ins Wespennest gestochen. Sehr schön. Ich mache jede Wette, das so mancher Bankberater dieser Tage mit höchst unangenehmen Fragen seiner Kunden konfrontiert wird. Wenn es zu massiven Turbulenzen an den Märkten kommen sollte, wird für die Papiergoldhalter die Stunde der Wahrheit schlagen und in diesem Zusammenhang dürften dann auch die COMEX oder der SPDR-Gold-Trust für wenig erfreuliche Schlagzeilen sorgen
Es ist schon einigermassen erschreckend, dass selbst hier bei Godmode eine Anzahl von Leuten so naiv ist zu glauben, dass Papiergold in Krisenzeiten in Echtgold eingetauscht werden kann. Das Gegenteil ist der Fall - das zeigt die Geschichte!!
Dank an Oliver Baron für den Wind, den er im Karpfenteich (eigentlich sinds ja Haie) veranstaltet hat!