Informationen zur Zeitverzögerung der Kursdaten und Börsenbedingungen
Für die Richtigkeit der dargestellten Kurs-, Stamm- und Marktdaten wird keine Haftung übernommen. Vergleichen Sie die hier wiedergegebenen Daten mit denen Ihrer Bank oder Ihres Brokers, bevor Sie eine Anlage tätigen.
Stammdaten Derivate | ARIVA.DE AG |
Fondsdaten und -preise | Mountain-View Data GmbH |
Bondsdaten | Börse Stuttgart GmbH |
Aktien Fundamentaldaten | Bavest Technologies GmbH |
Aktien Stammdaten | WM Datenservice |
Kursdaten | Infront Financial Technology GmbH |
Kursdaten Derivate | Solvians IT-Solutions GmbH |
Konsensusschätzungen | © 2025 FactSet. All rights reserved. |
Handelsplatz | Verzögerung | Datenlieferant |
Admiral Markets | Realtime | Admiral Markets |
Anleihe-Renditen | Verzögert | Infront |
ARIVA Indikation | Realtime | ARIVA.DE AG |
Baader | Realtime | Baader Bank AG |
Binance | Realtime | CryptoCompare |
Bitfinex | Realtime | CryptoCompare |
Bitpanda | Realtime | Bitpanda |
Bitstamp | Realtime | CryptoCompare |
BitTrex | Realtime | CryptoCompare |
BNP Paribas Emittentenkurse | Realtime | Adesso |
Börse Berlin | Verzögert: 15 Minuten | Infront |
Börse Düsseldorf | Verzögert: 15 Minuten | Infront |
Börse Frankfurt | Verzögert: 15 Minuten | Infront |
Börse Hannover | Verzögert: 15 Minuten | Infront |
Börse Hamburg | Verzögert: 15 Minuten | Infront |
Börse München | Verzögert: 15 Minuten | Infront |
Börse Stuttgart | Realtime | Infront |
Cboe BZX | Verzögert: 15 Minuten | Infront |
Cboe Europe | Verzögert: 15 Minuten | Infront |
Cboe U.S. Indizes | Verzögert: 15 Minuten | Infront |
Coinbase | Realtime | CryptoCompare |
CryptoCompare | Realtime | CryptoCompare |
DZ Bank Emittentenkurse | Realtime | Solvians IT-Solutions GmbH |
Eurex | Verzögert: 15 Minuten | Infront |
FOREX | Realtime | Infront |
gettex | Realtime | Bayerische Börse AG |
Goldman Sachs Emittentenkurse | Realtime | Solvians IT-Solutions GmbH |
HitBTC | Realtime | CryptoCompare |
HSBC | Realtime | HSBC |
JFD Brokers | Realtime | JFD Brokers Ltd |
J.P. Morgan Emittentenkurse | Realtime | Adesso |
justTRADE/Sutor | Realtime | JT Technologies GmbH/Sutor |
Kraken | Realtime | CryptoCompare |
Lang & Schwarz, Lang & Schwarz Weekend | Realtime | Lang & Schwarz AG |
LS Exchange | Realtime | Lang & Schwarz |
Morgan Stanley Emittentenkurse | Realtime | Solvians IT-Solutions GmbH |
Nasdaq, Nasdaq Basic | Verzögert: 15 Minuten | Infront |
NYSE | Verzögert: 15 Minuten | Infront |
Quotrix | Realtime | BÖAG Börsen AG |
Schweizer Börse/SIX | Verzögert: 15 Minuten | Infront |
Société Générale Emittentenkurse | Realtime | Infront |
S&P Dow Jones Indizes | Verzögert: 15 Minuten | Infront |
Tradegate | Realtime | Deutsche Börse |
TradeREBEL | Realtime | Infront |
TTMzero Indikationen | Realtime | TTMzero |
UBS Emittentenkurse | Realtime | Solvians IT-Solutions GmbH |
UniCredit Emittentenkurse | Realtime | Solvians IT-Solutions GmbH |
Volatilität-Indizes | Verzögert: 15 Minuten | Infront |
Vontobel | Realtime | Vontobel |
Xetra | Verzögert: 15 Minuten | Infront |
Anbieter/Marke | Copyright |
S&P Dow Jones | Copyright © 2019 S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC. All rights reserved. STANDARD & POOR’S, S&P, S&P 500, S&P 500 LOW VOLATILITY INDEX, S&P 100, S&P COMPOSITE 1500, S&P MIDCAP 400, S&P SMALLCAP 600, S&P GIVI, GLOBAL TITANS, DIVIDEND ARISTOCRATS, S&P TARGET DATE INDICES, GICS, SPIVA, SPDR and INDEXOLOGY are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC (“S&P”). DOW JONES, DJ, DJIA and DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGE are registered trademarks of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC (“Dow Jones”). These trademarks together with others have been licensed to S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC. |
Nasdaq | The NASDAQ OMX Group®, NASDAQ OMX®, The NASDAQ Stock Market®, NASDAQ®, NASDAQ Global Select Market, NASDAQ Global Market®, NASDAQ Capital Market®, NASDAQ-100 Index®, NASDAQ-100®, NASDAQ Composite Index®, MarketSite®, Market Intelligence Desk® and other marks, where noted, are registered trademarks of The NASDAQ OMC Group, Inc. NASDAQ Corporate Services Network, NASDAQ Online and the logos identifying NASDAQ OMX indexes and products are trade/servicemarks of The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc. |
DAX | Die folgenden Namen oder Bezeichnungen sind eingetragene Marken der Deutsche Börse AG: Deutsche Börse®; Eurex®; FWB®; Xetra®; DAX®; MDAX®; TecDAX®; SDAX®; DivDAX®; DAXplus®; DAXglobal®; ShortDAX®; GEX®; CDAX®; HDAX®; VDAX®; VDAX-NEW®; Classic All Share®; Technology All Share®; RX REIT Index®; CX®; RDAX®; REX®; eb.rexx®; eb.rexX Jumbo Pfandbriefe®; PEX®; L-DAX®; L-MDAX®; L-TecDAX®; L-SDAX®; iNAV®; FDAX®; ODAX®; SCHATZ-FUTURE®; Buxl®; EXTF®; Euro-GC Pooling®; XTF Exchange Traded Funds®; Eurex Repo®; Eurex Bonds®; Xetra-Gold®; Xetra BEST®; Xetra Stars®; Xetra XXL®; AVOX®; Newex®; Börse Frankfurt Smart Trading®; Deutsche Börse Listing Partner®; ExServes®; CEF®; CEF alpha®; TRICE®; xlaunch®; Xpider®; StatistiX®; ERS®; PROPRIS®; Vision&Money®; 1585®. |
NYSE Arca | The NYSE Arca Indexes are a service mark of NYSE Euronext or its affiliates. |
STOXX | Die STOXX® Indizes, die darin enthaltenen Daten und die im Indexnamen verwendeten Marken sind geistiges Eigentum der STOXX Limited, Zürich, Schweiz und/oder ihrer Lizenzgeber |
SIX | Disclaimer SIX Swiss Exchange: SWX, SWX Swiss Exchange AG, Scoach Schweiz AG, Scoach Switzerland Ltd., Scoach Suisse SA, SPI, Swiss Performance Index (SPI), SPI EXTRA, SPI ex SLI, SMI, Swiss Market Index (SMI), SMI MID (SMIM), SMI Expanded, SXI, SXI LIFE SCIENCES, SXI Bio+Medtech, SLI, SLI Swiss Leader Index, SBI, SBI Swiss Bond Index, VSMI und SWX Immobilienfonds Index sind eingetragene respektive hinterlegte Marken der SWX Swiss Exchange AG, deren Verwendung lizenzpflichtig ist. |
Nikkei | The copyright of Nikkei 225 is owned by Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc. NIKKEI. |
FTSE | "FTSE®", "FT-SE®", "Footsie®", ["FTSE4Good®" and "techMARK"] are trademarks jointly owned by the London Stock Exchange Plc and The Financial Times Limited and are used by FTSE International Limited ("FTSE") under licence. ["All-World®", "All-Share®" and "All-Small®" are trademarks of FTSE.] |
London Metal Exchange | The information and data provided by the LME (i) is the intellectual property of The London Metal Exchange or it’s licensors, (ii) may not be copied or further distributed or modified in whole or in part without the prior written permission of the LME, (iii) does not constitute investment advice, (iv) is provided solely for informational purposes and (v) is not warranted to be complete, accurate or timely. The LME accepts no liability whatsoever to any person for any loss or damage arising from any inaccuracy or omission in the Information or from any consequence, decision, action or non-action based on or in reliance upon the Information |