Heutige Wirtschaftsdaten und Quartalszahlen
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Wirtschaftsdaten US
Beige Book, 20 Uhr
US Quartalszahlen
Affymetrix -0.08
Alliance Gaming Corp. 0.27
Altera Corporation 0.13
Amdocs Limited 0.27
American Pharmaceutical Partners, Inc. 0.17
Ascential Software 0.08
AsiaInfo Holdings 0.03
ASML Holdings NV 0.09
Atmel Corporation 0.00
BroadVision 0.03
Cadence Design Systems 0.10
Checkpoint Systems 0.15
Citrix Systems 0.18
Colgate-Palmolive 0.59
COLT Telecom Group
eBay 0.26
Electrolux AB 1.00
Endo Pharmaceuticals 0.23
Epicor Software 0.10
eResearch Technology 0.18
F5 Networks 0.14
Interwoven -0.01
ISTA Pharmaceuticals, Inc. -0.38
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co 0.86
Juniper Networks 0.08
KLA-Tencor 0.29
Maxtor Corp 0.12
MedImmune 0.42
Nanophase Technology
Nastech Pharmaceuticals -0.51
Neoforma, Inc. 0.14
NetSolve Inc. -0.02
Paradyne -0.02
Piper Jaffray 0.75
QUALCOMM Inc. 0.48
Radvision 0.03
SBC Communications 0.32
Silicon Storage Technology, Inc. 0.12
Sirius Satellite Radio -0.10
Sonus Pharmaceuticals Inc. -0.22
Stamps.com -0.10
Starbucks 0.17
STMicroelectronics 0.12
Sybase 0.19
Tellabs 0.00
The Bank of New York 0.45
The Coca-Cola Company 0.43
United Technologies 1.12
WYETH 0.55
DE / Europa Quartalszahlen
WCM Beteiligungs- und Grundbesitz- AG
Weitere Wirtschaftsdaten / Sonstiges
EU Rede EZB Chefvolkswirt Issing
US Rede Fed-Chairman Greenspan
US Rede San Francisco Fed-Präsident Parry
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