08:10 Uhr, 05.01.2018

GOLD-Tagesausblick: Bullen feiern Comeback

Tagesausblick für Freitag, 05. Januar 2018: Der Goldpreis ist ausgehend von einem zuletzt mehrfach genannten Korrekturziel in einer geradlinigen Aufwärtsbewegung über alte Widerstände ausgebrochen und hat damit die Korrektur seit September beendet. Doch die Käuferseite hat noch viel mehr vor.

Erwähnte Instrumente

  • Gold
    ISIN: XC0009655157Kopiert
    Kursstand: 1.322,000 $/Unze (Commerzbank CFD) - Zum Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung
  • Gold - WKN: 965515 - ISIN: XC0009655157 - Kurs: 1.322,000 $/Unze (Commerzbank CFD)

​Intraday Widerstände: 1.325 + 1.355 + 1.385 

Intraday Unterstützungen: 1.301 + 1.285 + 1.265 

Rückblick: Am anvisierten Fibonacci-Zwischenziel bei 1.235 USD gelang den Bullen bei Gold Ende Dezember ein massiver Konter, der zur direkten Rückeroberung der Unterstützung bei 1.265 USD führte. Doch damit nicht genug. Angetrieben von dieser bullischen Entwicklung zog das Edelmetall direkt über die starken Barrieren bei 1.285 und 1.301 USD an und generierte damit kurzfristige Kaufsignale. Aktuell notiert der Goldpreis nur knapp unter der nächsten Hürde, dem Widerstand bei 1.325 USD, der ebenfalls in Kürze durchbrochen werden sollte.

Charttechnischer Ausblick: Mit dem Aufwärtsimpuls der letzten Wochen hat Gold die Abwärtsbewegung seit Anfang September beendet und dürfte nach einem Anstieg über 1.325 USD direkt bis 1.355 USD und das Verlaufshoch bei 1.357 USD klettern. Dort könnte eine mehrtägige Korrektur einsetzen. Aufgrund der enormen Dynamik des laufenden Anstiegs könnte auch das Vorjahreshoch überwunden werden und Gold zunächst weiter bis 1.375 und 1.388 USD steigen. Wird dieser Widerstandsbereich ebenfalls dynamisch überschritten, liegt das nächste Kursziel für die kommenden Wochen bei 1.464 USD.

Ein vorheriger Rücksetzer an die Ausbruchsmarke bei 1.301 USD würde den neuen Aufwärtstrend nicht in Frage stellen. Dort sollte bereits die nächste mehrtägige Kaufwelle einsetzen. Kippt der Wert dagegen unter die Marke, käme es zu einer Ausdehnung dieser Zwischenkorrektur bis 1.285 USD. Ein Ende der Rally der letzten Tage wäre ohnehin erst bei einem weiteren Rücksetzer unter 1.265 USD gegeben.

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  • georgi 4324
    georgi 4324

    GE0RG1 … 2018 USA EU ECONOMIC PROGNOSIS USD DECLINE , EUR DECLINE , INFLATION DUE TO ILLEGALLY PRINTED MONEY -FED ECB CAN ONLY BLUFF WITH FAKE NEWS ARTICLES FOR NEW NON CREDIBLE 7 TRILLIONS BUYBACK FOR UP TO 50 YEARS AVERAGE DURATION CORPORATE BONDS OR ILLEGALLY PRINTING MONEY ON SHARE AND BOND MARKET TO ADD TO THE WASTED 7 TRILLIONS WITH OVER 20 YEARS AVERAGE DURATION SO THAT YOU WILL NOT EXPECT 10 USD INCREASE VS 50 USD DECREASE WITH EQUAL PROBABILITY. FOR LOTTERY ONE DOLLAR IS GAMBLED NOT YOUR APARTMENT THAT EACH FAMILY IN USA SHOULD GAMBLE TO BUY THE SHARES THE RICH HOLD NOW SO SELL YOUR SHARES ON HIGH PRICES. USA AND EU CURRENCY RESERVES ARE OVER , the dollar and eur decline currency small currency reserves will end and dollar and eur will devaluate over to the observes decline by now some additional to 20% dollar and 10 % eur due to further returned currency reserves by rest of the world - cash , some 8 tn corporate bonds and some 20 tn sovereign bonds will be devaluated to nominal usa gdp that may increase some 50 % due to inflation , as deposits and credits will be partially indexed for high inflation – as illegally printed money inflow stop , with currency reserves end, inflated shares will decline with over a third to historic pe ratio , inflated sovereign and corporate bonds prices will also decline. Pending some 45 % inflation and some 30 % currency devaluation are fast in US EU. People probably lose trust in us currency as bitcoin hit 150 millions mass searches in usa , plus 75 millions in rest of world according to google currency small currency reserves will end and dollar and eur will devaluate over to the observes decline by now some additional to 20% dollar and 10 % eur due to further returned currency reserves by rest of the world - cash , some 8 tn corporate bonds and some 20 tn sovereign bonds will be devaluated to nominal usa gdp that may increase some 50 % due to inflation , as deposits and credits will be partially indexed for high inflation – as illegally printed money inflow stop , with currency reserves end, inflated shares will decline with over a third to historic pe ratio , inflated sovereign and corporate bonds prices will also decline. Pending some 45 % inflation and some 30 % currency devaluation are fast in US EU. People probably lose trust in us currency as bitcoin hit 150 millions mass searches in usa , plus 75 millions in rest of world according to google trends in last weeks of 2017. There is impossible trinity usa and eu to keep dollar and eu exchange rate with free capital flows as their currency reserves will end. Data show USA hold some 100 bn currency reserves , eurozone some 60 at 2017 end as with all banks currency reserves for all usa in 2016 end was some 400 bn and should be quite depleted by now. The risk for avalanche returned currency reserves due to illegally printed money are huge by at least some 5 tn reserves in usd and some 1.6 tn in eur hold by other countries as the first one who return win due to usd and eur expected devaluation. USA and EU might have even borrowed currency reserves to continue printing money to keep share , sovereign and corporate bonds inflated at 2017 end. With decline of buyback from some 650 bn to some 500 bn yearly last 7Q we can infer some 0.5 trillion usd are printed illegally to be added to share market to keep share growth. If half of these 0.5 tn are out of safes this is 8 % increase of money supply. According to quantitative theory of money M V = p Y , with 2 % inflation , 2 % growth there is 6 % decline in potential output that will be realized down and go to inflation latter for now. In 2018 will be printed some more 0.3 tn money to be added to 500 bn buyback for share growth. So far from QE there are some 1trillion usd in safes , 0.25 in safes illegally printed money, 0.25 tn in circulation illegally , 0.3 to be printed in 2018 so this is some 1,8 tn out of 3.6 tn usa M1 this is some 50 % inflation pending in usa and 30 % dollar devaluation that will be fast. FED will raise interest rate , though discount rate do not influence much interest rate when public holds some 1.25 tn in safes so they are the central bank now and will move to deposits for low interest rate , so restricted influence of fed on interest rate. The real interest rate will remain negative as now. With inflation banks will increase interest rates on deposits not to disappear and credits respectively similar to Russia recently. Further risk of pensions, health , housing by 2 tn to be covered for hyperinflation in usa as inefficient budget deficits are envisaged in tax bill to increase bonds yields as well. The share pe ratio is so high historically no one will take the bet to buy shares for 10 % expected increase vs 30 % expected decrease so rich will hold all shares to their decline and illegal money printing for inflated shares ,sovereign and corporate bonds will be not successful and create only distortions in anyway declining real economy.

    GE0RG1 FED , ECB , UK 1. THE DOLLAR DEVALUATES FAST DUE TO ILLEGAL USA MONEY PRINTING , EVIDENCE FOR EXUBERANCE FOR DOLLAR VALUE AND INCREASING US INFLATION FAST. FED , ECB , UK STRATEGY FOR HYPERINFLATION FOR FAST SHARE BUBBLE AND FAKE POLITICIANS . USD DOLLAR DECLINES FAST TO 3 YEAR LOW DXY SHOWS WITH RETURNED RESERVES AND THERE IS A LOT OF NOISE IN USA AND WORLD. SEE HOW USD TERM IN GOOGLE TRENDS SEARCHES JUMP IN THE WORLD FROM 100 MILLION TO SOME 130 MILLION IN DECEMBER AND A THIRD ALSO IN USA PER DAY. ALSO OUT OF BITCOIN SEARCHERS SOME 400 MILLIONS IN WORLD PER DAY IN DECEMBER 2017 SOME 35 MILLION SEARCH DOLLAR AS WELL. COMMODITIES PRICES ALSO INCREASE FAST AT 2017 END AS COPPER INCREASES 28 % YEARLY, COTTON , PETROLEUM SOME 22% LAST 3 MONTHS THAT IS SOME 1% ADDITIONAL INFLATION FOR USA BY IMF , FED ESTIMATIONS. USA AND EU , UK HAVE JUST DECIDED THESE DAYS ,WITH THE CLEAR UNDERSTANDING THEY CREATE HYPERINFLATION , TO PRINT ILLEGALLY MONEY AS MUCH AS NECESSARY TO SEE IN LAST ATTEMPT IF THEY CAN SEND THEIR SOCIETIES IN IRRATIONAL EXUBERANCE AND SELL THEM ALL THE OVER EVALUATED SHARES THE RICH HOLD TODAY. The main politicians and central bankers in USA, UK , DE , FR are with some 30 % approval vs 50 % disapproval or are afraid to take posts in DE as capital holders and scientist rule behind them to steal money with inflation for the coming recession. In USA and EU there is by some half trillion illegally printed money already and by some another trillion in safes from QE . That is equal to half M1 for USA and money may multiply to half M2 so some 50 % hyperinflation is expected by now , while money will start to multiply with inflation as when money de valuate it is nice to have loans if not indexed properly interest rates. Now USA EU people hold in safes more then the liquid money in FED , ECB and their banks , so the people are the real central bank in this situation. With 2 , 3 % inflation people will prefer soon to spend the money from safes not lose the inflation and this will accelerate suddenly and sharp the inflation. FED and ECB should be careful, not reckless in such circumstances. The organized crime of rich USA and EU will print first just enough to steal your money but latter will have to cover by some 2 trillions in health , 2 trillions in pensions and 2 trillions housing losses next years so here later printing is expected as well. The high sovereign, private bonds and debts and currency reserves will be devaluated . When the currency reserves are over soon the USD and EUR will decline in currency crisis, similar to the pound. The shares are supported with illegally printed money for some year by now so the devaluation of the dollar and EUR and pound will continue and inflation will follow soon so check alone price basket. What will follow in the economy of USA and EU is similar scenario to the end of Solviet union with change of economic system with strong inflation that leads to disruption of economy. Ask the mentioned by me policymakers in other posts and FED and ECB , UK officials the raised here questions as who is behind them to be so unpopular, is the only choice they have right now to inflate the USA , EU , UK economies substantially to see if irrational exuberance is possible when growth , profits data are falsified and social indicators as debt , inequality ,demography, obesity, social support and many other show clear deep crisis in western societies the same questions for USA, DE, FR, UK, IT , ES premiers. Ask if money are printed illegally and provided straight to USA , EU , UK banks to bail them out and buy shares to prop the prices on people account ? . . . currency crises for bubble… with the illegally printed money to prop the share market for a bubble fed provided a lot of liquidity on the market that is kept in jars. That liquid money reduce the price of the dollar and create avalanche effects of returned currency reserves. Last one two months fed continues to printing money to intervene on stock exchange , but also spends the currency reserves hold by the commercial and fed banks to hold the price of dollar stable for a while. The criminal policy of ECB is similar. There is also increase in inflation in US and EU for this reason though the growth is manipulated data to stop outflow of deposits in EU seen in Target 2 loans among eu countries with this bluff , while usa Is bluffing growth for stock exchange bubble correlated news. When the truth is revealed the money from the jars that may be by trillion for eu and usa only from the quantitative easing will be added as liquidity to new illegally printed money straight donated to banks by you public to create inflation. This policy usually ends with hyperinflation as currency crises as social costs cannot be postponed and money will be printed to cover them. Follow eu , uk for similar story not to be happening there for printed money for a bubble that create inflation and reduce currency on your account.

    15:18 Uhr, 07.01. 2018
  • georgi 4324
    georgi 4324

    GEORGI . . . 2018 EVIDENCE WITH LOWER PUBLIC EXPECTATIONS , DATA SCIENCE VS FAKE US , EU FINANCE GOVERNMENT NEWS AND BLUFFS FOR SHARE PRICE INCREASE. FED ECB ORDERED DATA TO BE MANIPULATED TO HIDE THEY ENDED MUNITIONS OF FOREIGN RESERVE CURRENCY AT 2017 END TO INTERVENE WITH PRINTED MONEY ON STOCK MARKET FURTHER ? To beat US , EU government fake news I present more sources and precise facts. Fake news mostly come from government as catalonia surveys for example . Check strangely positive investor surveys also as fear on markets increases in 2017 end , while main investors bought shares on loan from buyback and cheat from risk for their lives for a bluff that shares will increase in 2018 somehow to levels of pe ratios never seen before. Sober person will not gamble a house on the market with such risk of decline , only massive media bluff can be the illegal collision of buyback investors strategy with FED. FED , ECB are the real manipulators of data in 2017 , 2018 for printed money , real gdp , finance so check their sources and analyses, match their data. See inflation basket in USA as some goods are substituted and hedonic pricing manipulation applied that cheats the public for lower inflation in US , EU , UK not to require higher wages to start a spiral with prices. . . . check data for trustworthy with surveys. For 2018 the public from Gallup 41 global end of year survey is less optimistic as probably wages grow slowly and real incomes may decline if inflation in usa , eu is cheated, while companies are more optimistic as they expect to further increase of prices in Grant Thornton survey. Gallup net optimism has shown a downward trend from + 23 at the end of 2015 and + 20 at the end of 2016 to - 2 at the end of 2017. For EU 33% citizens expect economic difficulties vs 17 % prosperity in 2018 , for USA 31 % difficulties vs 28% prosperity that looks like before hyperinflation in USA , EU and decline on financial markets. McKinsey companies global survey on economic conditions are optimistic , but also afraid from possible risks of overinflated asset prices . equity prices as threat to global growth. In Gallup citizens survey the main hapiness determinants are gdp, health, democracy that makes less happy , usa , eu for obesity and lack of freedom.

    15:18 Uhr, 07.01. 2018
  • georgi 4324
    georgi 4324

    GE0RG1 … ON WEAK POLICYMAKERS TO BE USED FOR ECONOMIC CATASTROPHE . THE CORRUPTED POLITICIANS HAVE ONLY ONE OPTION TO TESTIFY WHO IS BEHIND THEM , IN FRONT OF ALL THE SOCIETY , THEY WILL NOT DARE TO HURT THEM . The scientists and the capital put themselves in the shoes of the politicians to control them. Ask the mentioned persons until when they will endanger the health of my family for the facts I reveal that endangers their financial markets forever. My family was moderately poisoned these days to scare me not to write here. They paly with version of fake strong economic growth for share bubble to cheat you , I present version with a lot of illegally printed money and waisted currency reserves and waisted EU deposits you pay for and they poison me to scare me. Look behind unpopular policymakers in these difficult times. USA strives with share bubble to steal the money of USA citizens, EU will steal EU deposits that will cover EU bank losses and the deposits of Draghi friends taken away to be refinanced. EU leaving deposits cannot be covered by ECB printed money or the trillion or more redistributed with TARGET 2 and may be stolen by USA. So look for the centers of power for the coming events as USA and for EU France , Germany and UK. If policymakers are responsible in front of people , behind them are scientist and behind scientists capital. You see the record low policymakers support in many cases for persons as Trump , Christine Lagarde , May , Macron , Merkel , Draghi and all ECB governors, Yellen , Powell and all FED governors , Carney , Junker , Moscovici and all EU commissioners. Sometimes these low popular politicians may be influenced with legal cases and other means as Lagarde or Trump. So raise these questions in front of knowledgeable scientists as Krugman , Obstfeld , Rogoff ,Tibshirani , Stiglitz , Tirole , Deaton , Blundell , Thaler , Guillen ,Schauble, Kretshmer , Falk, Shiller , Bernanke ,Summers , Romer , all Bruegel . Ask them for economic data in EU , UK and USA if they think that are correct as economic growth , inflation , profits , currency reserves , deposits. Ask them if money are printed in USA , EU , UK illegally to finance share bubbles and if they are not the minds behind these low support politicians , what they expect to happen in the economy to be appointed so unpopular politicians and if they are controlled with unfair means. If deposits leave EU hidden when USA banks open and on Friday as you see EUR rate last days , but next days ECB will change this pattern in a bluff that is not successful. Raise these questions to all mentioned up people publicly for court to preserve democracy , economy and follow carefully for abuse of law and democracy. Ask all company managers that participated in USA 7 trillion buyback if they are in collision and USA banks , nasdaq companies if they are aware for FED illegally printed money. Not to hide themselves or close phones these days. - Ge0rg1 Post by Barracuda 008 : Possibly caused by too much expensive wine(paid by our taxes). The Italian Draghi has printed (sorry created new money) through QE and other equivalents to 2 Trillion. The Euro zone nominal GDP at 2016 was 10 trillion. That means that 20% of NEW money has been created. In exchange to 20%/GDP of new money, the Euro zone has had a pathetic growth of 1-2%. If this is not one of the ridiculous solutions for growth ever. The EU started as a free trade area and a customs union. Over time, it has become a supra national entity that resembles a federal state and is governed by a byzantine bureaucracy in Brussels. The EU claims to have brought about prosperity and stability in Europe, but those claims are increasinglyat odds with reality. Europe is becoming worryingly unstable and is falling behind other regions in terms of economic growth, prosperity,justice and lack of democracy. The EU model, which is marked by over regulation and centralization, seems increasingly out of place in today’s world. What European countries need in the coming decades is openness, rather than regional protectionism, and flexibility,rather than over regulation from Brussels. Above all, what European governments need to do is to reconnect with their increasingly restless electorates, rather than ignore the latter for the sake of the unwanted undemocratic goal of a European superstate. However,thank to incompetents like Juncker they have more superstate and the loss of the second more important country in the union.

    15:17 Uhr, 07.01. 2018
  • Hosenmichel

    Update letze Woche : Commercials + 26 % Shorts geladen auf 165,000 Shorts € /$ !!!!!!!!!!!!! Mir solls ja egal sein Aber die 8 großen JP Goldi scotia etc etc haben halt noch nie verloren - macht was ihr wollt ;-)

    14:02 Uhr, 06.01. 2018
  • Hosenmichel

    Sehr Schade !! Sie sind in meinen Augen der beste Analyst ! Das meine ich ernst ! Als Sie vor zwei Wochen schrieben Gold mache nur einen kleinen Bullen Rücklauf zur 1262 -65 von 1235 ausgehend und falle danach wahrscheinlich weiter ; kaufte ich sofort einen 3 x Bull ETF !!! Mir war klar Gold geht weiter gehn Norden ! Nun verderben Sie mir aber die Laune denn Sie werden -----------bullisch ! 1385 -1464 durchaus erreichbar ............... dann wirds Zeit den 3x Bullen ETF zu verkaufen ! Hätten Sie nicht einfach weiter bärische Grundeinstellungen beibehalten können - Schade..............

    09:51 Uhr, 05.01. 2018
    1 Antwort anzeigen

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Thomas May
Thomas May
Experte für Fibonacci-Analyse

Thomas May entdeckte Ende der 1990er Jahre die Leidenschaft für die Börse. Zu Beginn fundamental orientiert, war er bald von der Charttechnischen Analyse begeistert und befasste sich intensiv mit klassischer Charttechnik, Elliott Wellen, Fibonacci- und Zyklenanalyse. Seit 2010 im Team der stock3 AG war er von 2012 bis 2016 Chefredakteur von, ist Autor der DVDs „Charttechnik für Einsteiger“ und „Fibonacci-Trading“, Mitherausgeber des ersten Teils von „Das große GodmodeTrader-Handbuch“ sowie einer der Autoren im zweiten Teil der Buchserie. Auf stock3 liegt sein Schwerpunkt auf charttechnischen Edelmetall-, Aktien- und Indexanalysen. Auf dem stock3 Terminal betreut der leidenschaftliche Swing-Trader seinen eigenen Desktop für Chartanalysen und Trading-Setups.

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