Etsy Inc. Aktie

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ISIN: US29786A1060Kopiert
WKN: A14P98Kopiert

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Etsy Inc. Realtime-Kurs

Name Kurs +/- (%) +/- (abs) Vortag Zeit Aktionen

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WKN Long/Short KO Hebel Laufzeit Bid Ask
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Zur Produktsuche

Wertentwicklung (Nasdaq)

-2,01 %
-2,29 %
1 Woche
-8,38 %
1 Monat
-1,59 %
Seit Jahresbeginn
-26,50 %
1 Jahr
-65,03 %
3 Jahre
3,60 %
5 Jahre


Webinar zu Etsy Inc.

Traden mit HebelSelect

In der Webinarreihe „Traden mit HebelSelect“ widmen sich die stock3-Experten Bastian Galuschka oder Thomas May im 2-Wochentakt konkreten Handelssignalen für Indizes, Aktien, Rohstoffe und Währungen. Sei dabei, wenn sie mithilfe ihrer langjährigen Expertise die perfekten Werte finden und diese auch traden. Pro Sendung wird es mindestens einen Live-Trade geben. Das will niemand verpassen. Erfahre in dieser Live-Session von den Profis selbst, wie Du als Trader Deine Ziele bestimmst und sinnvoll absicherst. Lerne die Vorteile der Trading-Plattform HebelSelect der comdirect und ihre individuellen Hebel ganz genau kennen.

  • Datum
  • Uhrzeit
    15:00 - 15:30 Uhr
  • Veranstalter
Mehr Webinare

Kursinformationen (Nasdaq)

  • Tagestief / Hoch ($)
  • 52W-Tief / Hoch ($)
  • Jahrestief / Hoch ($)
  • Schlusskurs (Vortag)
  • Eröffnungskurs
  • Volumen Intraday

Wichtigste Eigenschaften

  • WKNA14P98Kopiert
  • ISINUS29786A1060Kopiert
  • TickerETSY
  • AnlageklasseAktie
  • LandUSA USA
  • BrancheFachhandel
  • SektorZyklische Konsumgüter
  • Index-Zugehörigkeit
  • Anzahl Aktien114,18 Mio.
  • Marktkapitalisierung5,94 Mrd. $

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Dividenden von Etsy Inc.

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Termine von Etsy Inc.

  • Feb20Etsy Inc.Q4 2024 Earnings Release
  • Apr30Etsy Inc.Q1 2025 Earnings Release
  • Jul30Etsy Inc.Q2 2025 Earnings Release


Etsy, Inc. operates two-sided online marketplaces that connect buyers and sellers primarily in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Australia, France, and India. Its primary marketplace is that connects artisans and entrepreneurs with various consumers. The company also offers Reverb, a musical instrument marketplace; Depop, a fashion resale marketplace; and Elo7, a Brazil-based marketplace for handmade and unique items. In addition, it offers various seller services, including Etsy Payments, a payment processing service; Etsy Ads, an advertising platform; and Shipping Labels, which allows sellers in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and India to purchase discounted shipping labels. Further, the company provides various seller tools, including Shop Manager dashboard, a centralized hub for Etsy sellers to track orders, manage inventory, view metrics and statistics, and have conversations with their customers; and Sell on Etsy, an application to enable enhanced onboarding and video uploading. Additionally, it offers Etsy seller analytics pages that provides insights regarding traffic acquisition for their shops; Targeted Offers, a sales and promotions tool, and social media tool; and accounting and bookkeeping services. The company also provides educational resources comprising blog posts, video tutorials, Etsy Seller Handbook, online forums, and insights; Etsy Teams, a platform to build personal relationships with other Etsy sellers; and a Star Seller program. As of December 31, 2021, it connected a total of 7.5 million active sellers to 96.3 million active buyers; and had 120 million items for sale. The company was formerly known as Indieco, Inc changed its name to Etsy, Inc. in June 2006. Etsy, Inc. was founded in 2005 and is headquartered in Brooklyn, New York.