Chegg Inc. Aktie

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ISIN: US1630921096Kopiert
WKN: A1W4ERKopiert

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Chegg Inc. Realtime-Kurs

Name Kurs +/- (%) +/- (abs) Vortag Zeit Aktionen

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WKN Long/Short KO Hebel Laufzeit Bid Ask
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Zur Produktsuche

Wertentwicklung (NYSE)

2,03 %
-1,95 %
1 Woche
-14,69 %
1 Monat
-6,21 %
Seit Jahresbeginn
-84,90 %
1 Jahr
-94,24 %
3 Jahre
-96,48 %
5 Jahre
-78,40 %
10 Jahre


Webinar zu Chegg Inc.

Traden mit HebelSelect

In der Webinarreihe „Traden mit HebelSelect“ widmen sich die stock3-Experten Bastian Galuschka oder Thomas May im 2-Wochentakt konkreten Handelssignalen für Indizes, Aktien, Rohstoffe und Währungen. Sei dabei, wenn sie mithilfe ihrer langjährigen Expertise die perfekten Werte finden und diese auch traden. Pro Sendung wird es mindestens einen Live-Trade geben. Das will niemand verpassen. Erfahre in dieser Live-Session von den Profis selbst, wie Du als Trader Deine Ziele bestimmst und sinnvoll absicherst. Lerne die Vorteile der Trading-Plattform HebelSelect der comdirect und ihre individuellen Hebel ganz genau kennen.

  • Datum
  • Uhrzeit
    15:00 - 15:30 Uhr
  • Veranstalter
Mehr Webinare

Kursinformationen (NYSE)

  • Tagestief / Hoch ($)
  • 52W-Tief / Hoch ($)
  • Jahrestief / Hoch ($)
  • Schlusskurs (Vortag)
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Wichtigste Eigenschaften

  • WKNA1W4ERKopiert
  • ISINUS1630921096Kopiert
  • TickerCHGG
  • AnlageklasseAktie
  • LandUSA USA
  • BrancheAusbildungs und Fortbildungsdienstleistungsfirmen
  • SektorDefensive Konsumgüter
  • Index-Zugehörigkeit
  • Anzahl Aktien103,72 Mio.
  • Marktkapitalisierung156,62 Mio. $

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Dividenden von Chegg Inc.

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Termine von Chegg Inc.

  • Feb24Chegg Inc.Q4 2024 Earnings Release
  • Mai5Chegg Inc.Q1 2025 Earnings Release
  • Aug11Chegg Inc.Q2 2025 Earnings Release


Chegg, Inc. operates direct-to-student learning platform that supports students starting with their academic journey and extending into their careers with products and services to support and help them better understand their academic course materials. The company offers Chegg Services, which include subscription services; and required materials that comprise its print textbooks and eTextbooks. Its subscription services include Chegg Study, which helps students master challenging concepts on their own; Chegg Writing that provides students with a suite of tools, such as plagiarism detection scans, grammar and writing fluency checking, expert personalized writing feedback, and premium citation generation; Chegg Math, a step-by-step math problem solver and calculator that helps students to solve problems; Chegg Study Pack, a bundle of various Chegg Services product offerings, including Chegg Study, Chegg Writing, and Chegg Math Solver services, which creates an integrated platform of connected academic support services; Busuu, an online language learning solution that offers a comprehensive solution through a combination of self-paced lessons, live classes with expert tutors, and the ability to learn and practice with members of the Busuu language learning community; and Thinkful, a skills-based learning platform that offers professional courses along with networking, interviewing, and career services. The company also provides other services, such as Chegg Life, Chegg Prep, and Chegg Internships; provides personal and professional development skills training; and rents and sells print textbooks and eTextbooks. Chegg, Inc. was incorporated in 2005 and is headquartered in Santa Clara, California.