22:51 Uhr, 12.07.2001

US Indizes - "End of day" - View

Detailübersicht - Schlußstände der US Indizes

$INDU Dow Jones Industrials Index 10,478.99 +237.97 +2.32%
$COMPQ Nasdaq Combined Composite Indx 2,075.74 +103.70 +5.26%
$SPX S & P 500 Index 1,208.07 +27.89 +2.36%
$MID.X S & P Midcap 400 Index 506.96 +10.96 +2.21%
$OEX S & P 100 Index 622.46 +15.45 +2.55%
$RUT.X Russell 2000 Index 488.91 +13.08 +2.75%
$WSX.X Wilshire Smallcap Index 747.45 +22.03 +3.04%
$XMI.X Major Market Index 1,047.34 +14.70 +1.42%
$ADR.X International Market Index 590.71 +11.47 +1.98%
$TOP.X Eurotop 100 3,024.37 +50.20 +1.69%
$HKX.X Amex Hong Kong 30 Index 613.79 +6.36 +1.05%
$JPN.X Japan Index 131.34 +3.94 +3.09%
$MXY.X Mexico Index 99.66 -2.86 -2.79%
$TRAN Dow Jones Transport Index 2,902.34 +82.55 +2.93%
$UTIL Dow Jones Utilities Index 362.6 -3.61 -0.99%
$XAU Gold And Silver Sector Index 54.36 +0.05 +0.09%
$XOI.X Oil Index 529.43 +1.06 +0.20%
$XAL.X Airline Index 143.17 +4.35 +3.13%
$BKX.X Kbw Bank Sector Index 883.82 +17.51 +2.02%
$XBD.X Securities Broker Dealer Index 480.46 +27.92 +6.17%
$CMR.X Morgan Stanley Consumer Index 527.56 +0.96 +0.18%
$CYC.X Morgan Stanley Cyclical Index 560.59 +18.11 +3.34%
$XNG.X Natural Gas Index 206.83 -0.49 -0.24%
$DRG.X Pharmaceutical Index 374.88 -6.27 -1.65%
$NF.X Financial Index 613.73 +11.96 +1.99%
$ND.X Industrial Index 753.95 +11.98 +1.61%
$PSE.X High Technology Index 694.08 +38.49 +5.87%
$MSH.X Morg Stanley High Tech 35 Idx 557.67 +34.93 +6.68%
$SOX.X Semiconductor Sector Index 605.93 +47.96 +8.60%
$XCI.X Computer Technology Index 820.5 +52.35 +6.82%
$XTC.X North American Telecoms Index 932.7 +23.93 +2.63%
$IIX.X Inter@ctive Week Internet Idx 178.01 +13.17 +7.99%
$MOX.X Morgan Stanley Internet Idx 17.85 +1.29 +7.79%
$BTK.X Biotechnology Index 515.54 -10.68 -2.03%

Anbei eine erste Vorschau der US Indizes. Die Tages-Indexchartanalysen werden Sie wie gewohnt in der INDEXCHARTANALYSEN Box vom GodmodeTrader finden.

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