14:36 Uhr, 21.08.2002

"... the end of the long bear market is very near"

Fisher Investments Inc., eine US Asset Management Gesellschaft, verwaltet Gelder in Höhe 12 Milliarden US $.

Ken Fisher schätzen wir als einen sehr guten Marktstrategen ein. Bei einigen Investmentbanken, die in der Wirtschaftspresse präsent sind, kann man sich manchmal nicht den Eindrucks erwehren, daß sie sich bei ihrem "Research" auf die Arbeit anderer Institutionen stützen und einfach die Ratings und Einschätzungen der Wortführer "nachplappern", anders bei Ken Fisher. Er ist eines der Originale. Seine fundamentalen Einschätzungen sind nicht nur didaktisch gut und seriös dargestellt, sie treffen oftmals auch tatsächlich zu.

[Link "Klicken Sie bitte hier, um den - Kommentar vom 08.08.02 mit dem Titel "Wo liegt der Boden in den Indizes?" nochmals einzusehen." auf nicht mehr verfügbar]

Auch Fisher ist ähnlich wie Barton Biggs von Morgan Stanley Dean Witter recht früh bullish geworden. Vom Timing her deutlich zu früh. Er posutliert das Ende des Bärenmarktes.

Aktueller Marktkommentar :

Hear The Bell Ringing

Classic market bottoming signals are ringing aloud. We believe the end of the long bear market is very near, and we look forward to strong absolute and relative returns. Historically, the rise of stocks is fast and forceful during the first stage of a bull market, and we believe our portfolios are now positioned to capture that effect.

Recent volatile market activity, the escalating fear of equities, and growing skepticism of corporate governance increase our confidence that the market is ready to rebound. Investor sentiment and the related demand for securities are reaching extremely low levels in our view, implying a reversal is nearing.

When we began re-investing accounts after being defensive for nearly 18 months, we were unsure if the rally we anticipated would more likely be another counter-trend in a prolonged bear market or the first leg of a new bull market. Currently, we are convinced the latter is far more likely. A wall of worry has been established for a new bull market to climb.

Throughout the history of our firm, we have regularly been a little early or late on major timing decisions. We do not expect to be perfect. To deliver a successful portfolio outcome requires capturing or avoiding the majority, not the entirety, of big market moves. We believe we successfully avoided a great deal of the decline in stocks over the last two years. We would have liked to re-equitize closer to the bottom but remain in great position to accomplish our primary goal of beating the benchmark and also achieving absolute gains before long. Now we are positioned to take advantage of what we believe will be a major advance ..

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