BlackLine Inc. Aktie

stock3 Trademate
ISIN: US09239B1098Kopiert
WKN: A2AS8CKopiert

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BlackLine Inc. Realtime-Kurs

Name Kurs +/- (%) +/- (abs) Vortag Zeit Aktionen

Passende Produkte

WKN Long/Short KO Hebel Laufzeit Bid Ask
Keine Ergebnisse gefunden
Zur Produktsuche

Wertentwicklung (Nasdaq)

2,60 %
4,31 %
1 Woche
-3,52 %
1 Monat
0,72 %
Seit Jahresbeginn
0,66 %
1 Jahr
-28,26 %
3 Jahre
-0,31 %
5 Jahre


Webinar zu BlackLine Inc.

Traden mit HebelSelect

In der Webinarreihe „Traden mit HebelSelect“ widmen sich die stock3-Experten Bastian Galuschka oder Thomas May im 2-Wochentakt konkreten Handelssignalen für Indizes, Aktien, Rohstoffe und Währungen. Sei dabei, wenn sie mithilfe ihrer langjährigen Expertise die perfekten Werte finden und diese auch traden. Pro Sendung wird es mindestens einen Live-Trade geben. Das will niemand verpassen. Erfahre in dieser Live-Session von den Profis selbst, wie Du als Trader Deine Ziele bestimmst und sinnvoll absicherst. Lerne die Vorteile der Trading-Plattform HebelSelect der comdirect und ihre individuellen Hebel ganz genau kennen.

  • Datum
  • Uhrzeit
    15:00 - 15:30 Uhr
  • Veranstalter
Mehr Webinare

Kursinformationen (Nasdaq)

  • Tagestief / Hoch ($)
  • 52W-Tief / Hoch ($)
  • Jahrestief / Hoch ($)
  • Schlusskurs (Vortag)
  • Eröffnungskurs
  • Volumen Intraday

Wichtigste Eigenschaften

  • WKNA2AS8CKopiert
  • ISINUS09239B1098Kopiert
  • TickerBL
  • AnlageklasseAktie
  • LandUSA USA
  • BrancheSoftware-Anwendung
  • SektorTechnologie
  • Index-Zugehörigkeit
  • Anzahl Aktien61,82 Mio.
  • Marktkapitalisierung3,78 Mrd. $

Schnellsuche von

Dividenden von BlackLine Inc.

Ex-Datum Fiskaljahr Dividende Rendite
-2025 (e)stock3 Tradematestock3 Trademate

Termine von BlackLine Inc.

  • Feb13BlackLine Inc.Q4 2024 Earnings Release
  • Mai1BlackLine Inc.Q1 2025 Earnings Release
  • Jul31BlackLine Inc.Q2 2025 Earnings Release


BlackLine, Inc. provides cloud-based solutions to automate and streamline accounting and finance operations worldwide. It offers financial close management solutions, such as account reconciliations that provides a centralized workspace for users to collaborate on account reconciliations; transaction matching that analyzes and reconciles high volumes of individual transactions; and task management to create and manage processes and task lists. The company's financial close management solutions also include journal entry that allows users to generate, review, and post manual journal entries; variance analysis that monitors and identifies anomalous fluctuations in balance sheet and income statement account balances; consolidation integrity manager that manages the automated system-to-system tie-out process that occurs during the consolidation phase of the financial close; and compliance, an integrated solution that facilitates compliance-related initiatives, consolidates project management, and provides visibility over control self-assessments and testing. In addition, it offers accounts receivable automation solutions, which include cash application, credit and risk management, collections management, disputes and deductions, team and task management, and AR intelligence solutions. Further, the company provides intercompany workflow that stores permissions by entity and transaction type thereby ensuring both the initiator and the approver of the intercompany transaction are authorized to conduct business; intercompany processing, which records an organization's intercompany transactions; and netting and settlement that generates a real-time settlement matrix, which shows the balance of transactions. The company sells its solutions primarily through direct sales force to multinational corporations, large domestic enterprises, and mid-market companies across various industries. BlackLine, Inc. was incorporated in 2001 and is headquartered in Woodland Hills, California.