Money Forward Inc. Registered Shares o.N. Aktie

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ISIN: JP3869960009Kopiert
WKN: A2DXY2Kopiert

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Money Forward Inc. Registered Shares o.N. Realtime-Kurs

Name Kurs +/- (%) +/- (abs) Vortag Zeit Aktionen

Passende Produkte

WKN Long/Short KO Hebel Laufzeit Bid Ask
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Zur Produktsuche

Wertentwicklung (L&S)

-0,83 %
-1,64 %
1 Woche
-20,53 %
1 Monat
-16,67 %
Seit Jahresbeginn
-27,27 %
1 Jahr
-34,78 %
3 Jahre


Webinar zu Money Forward Inc. Registered Shares o.N.

Traden mit HebelSelect

In der Webinarreihe „Traden mit HebelSelect“ widmen sich die stock3-Experten Bastian Galuschka oder Thomas May im 2-Wochentakt konkreten Handelssignalen für Indizes, Aktien, Rohstoffe und Währungen. Sei dabei, wenn sie mithilfe ihrer langjährigen Expertise die perfekten Werte finden und diese auch traden. Pro Sendung wird es mindestens einen Live-Trade geben. Das will niemand verpassen. Erfahre in dieser Live-Session von den Profis selbst, wie Du als Trader Deine Ziele bestimmst und sinnvoll absicherst. Lerne die Vorteile der Trading-Plattform HebelSelect der comdirect und ihre individuellen Hebel ganz genau kennen.

  • Datum
  • Uhrzeit
    15:00 - 15:30 Uhr
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Kursinformationen (L&S)

  • Tagestief / Hoch (€)
  • 52W-Tief / Hoch (€)
  • Jahrestief / Hoch (€)
  • Schlusskurs (Vortag)
  • Eröffnungskurs

Wichtigste Eigenschaften

  • WKNA2DXY2Kopiert
  • ISINJP3869960009Kopiert
  • Ticker47D
  • AnlageklasseAktie
  • LandJapan Japan
  • BrancheSoftware-Anwendung
  • SektorTechnologie
  • Anzahl Aktien54,31 Mio.
  • Marktkapitalisierung1,30 Mrd. €

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Dividenden von Money Forward Inc. Registered Shares o.N.

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Termine von Money Forward Inc. Registered Shares o.N.

  • Apr11Money Forward Inc. Registered Shares o.N.Q1 2025 Earnings Release
  • Jul22Money Forward Inc. Registered Shares o.N.Q2 2025 Earnings Release


Money Forward, Inc. provides money-related services for individuals and corporations. It offers Money Forward ME, an automatic household account book service; MONEY PLUS for enhancing readers' money literacy and foster awareness of money; Money Forward Mall, a web portal and platform for comparing and applying for financial services, such as credit cards and securities accounts; mirai talk, a channel to resolve customers financial concerns; and Tock pop, an application specialized in coupon information. The company also provides Money Forward Cloud Accounting, a cloud accounting software; Money Forward Cloud Final Report, a cloud-type final tax return software; Money Forward Cloud Invoice, an invoice creation software; Money Forward Cloud Salary, a salary calculation software; Money Forward Cloud Attendance, a time management service for companies; Money Forward Cloud My Number, a my number management system; Money Forward Cloud Expenses, a cloud-type expense reimbursement system; and Money Forward Cloud Fundraising, a service that provides money forward cloud data to financial institutions. In addition, it offers STREAMED, a software specialized in automating accounting bookkeeping; Manageboard, a cloud service that allows to conduct business analysis by importing accounting software data; MF KESSAI, an inter-company postpaid settlement service; BALES, an inside sales outsourcing and consulting service; BALES CLOUD, a cloud-based inside sales management system; BOXIL that provides various information on prices, specifications, and word-of-mouth reviews of various Software-as-a-Service; and Money Forward X, a group that works with various client issues to create services. The company was formerly known as Moneybook Co. and changed its name to Money Forward, Inc. in December 2012. Money Forward, Inc. was founded in 2012 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan.