Hollysys Automation Techno.Inc Aktie

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ISIN: VGG456671053Kopiert
WKN: A0X91GKopiert

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Webinar zu Hollysys Automation Techno.Inc

Traden mit HebelSelect

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  • Datum
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    15:00 - 15:30 Uhr
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Wichtigste Eigenschaften

  • WKNA0X91GKopiert
  • ISINVGG456671053Kopiert
  • TickerHOLI
  • AnlageklasseAktie
  • LandBritische Jungferninseln Britische Jungferninseln
  • BrancheElektrische Ausrüstung & Teile
  • SektorIndustrie
  • Index-Zugehörigkeit
  • Anzahl Aktien62,10 Mio.
  • Marktkapitalisierung1,64 Mrd. $

Schnellsuche von

Dividenden von Hollysys Automation Techno.Inc

Ex-Datum Fiskaljahr Dividende Rendite
01.04.20222021 0,32 $ -
21.10.20202020 0,20 $ -
21.10.20192019 0,21 $ -
19.10.20182018 0,18 $ -
13.10.20172017 0,12 $ -
24.10.20162016 0,20 $ -
19.02.20152015 0,40 $ -

Termine von Hollysys Automation Techno.Inc

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Hollysys Automation Technologies Ltd is a China-based company that provides automation and control technologies and products. The company operates through three segments. Its IA segment supplies solutions including third-party hardware-centric products, proprietary software products, and others. The Rail segment supplies train control center and automation train protection to the rail and subway industries. The M&E segment consists of its two Southeast Asia-based subsidiaries that provide mechanical and electrical solutions. Hollysys Automation Technologies generates most of its sales from the Chinese domestic market.