Brookfield Corporation Aktie

stock3 Trademate
ISIN: CA11271J1075Kopiert
WKN: A3D3EVKopiert

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Brookfield Corporation Realtime-Kurs

Name Kurs +/- (%) +/- (abs) Vortag Zeit Aktionen

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Zur Produktsuche

Wertentwicklung (NYSE)

2,85 %
8,03 %
1 Woche
6,69 %
1 Monat
4,16 %
Seit Jahresbeginn
50,35 %
1 Jahr
12,08 %
3 Jahre
44,56 %
5 Jahre
165,82 %
10 Jahre


Webinar zu Brookfield Corporation

Traden mit HebelSelect

In der Webinarreihe „Traden mit HebelSelect“ widmen sich die stock3-Experten Bastian Galuschka oder Thomas May im 2-Wochentakt konkreten Handelssignalen für Indizes, Aktien, Rohstoffe und Währungen. Sei dabei, wenn sie mithilfe ihrer langjährigen Expertise die perfekten Werte finden und diese auch traden. Pro Sendung wird es mindestens einen Live-Trade geben. Das will niemand verpassen. Erfahre in dieser Live-Session von den Profis selbst, wie Du als Trader Deine Ziele bestimmst und sinnvoll absicherst. Lerne die Vorteile der Trading-Plattform HebelSelect der comdirect und ihre individuellen Hebel ganz genau kennen.

  • Datum
  • Uhrzeit
    15:00 - 15:30 Uhr
  • Veranstalter
Mehr Webinare

Kursinformationen (NYSE)

  • Tagestief / Hoch ($)
  • 52W-Tief / Hoch ($)
  • Jahrestief / Hoch ($)
  • Schlusskurs (Vortag)
  • Eröffnungskurs
  • Volumen Intraday

Wichtigste Eigenschaften

  • WKNA3D3EVKopiert
  • ISINCA11271J1075Kopiert
  • TickerBN
  • AnlageklasseAktie
  • LandKanada Kanada
  • BrancheVermögensverwaltung
  • SektorFinanzdienstleistungen
  • Marktkapitalisierung65,71 Mrd. $

Schnellsuche von

Dividenden von Brookfield Corporation

Ex-Datum Fiskaljahr Dividende Rendite
-2026 (e)stock3 Tradematestock3 Trademate
12.03.20242025 0,08 $ 0,19 %
13.06.20242025 0,08 $ 0,19 %
12.09.20242025 0,08 $ 0,17 %
16.12.20242025 0,08 $ 0,14 %
-2025 (e)stock3 Tradematestock3 Trademate
30.08.20232024 0,07 $ 0,21 %
29.11.20232024 0,07 $ 0,20 %
30.05.20232023 0,07 $ 0,22 %
27.02.20232022 0,07 $ 0,21 %

Termine von Brookfield Corporation

  • Feb13Brookfield CorporationQ4 2024 Earnings Release
  • Mai8Brookfield CorporationQ1 2025 Earnings Release
  • Aug7Brookfield CorporationQ2 2025 Earnings Release


Brookfield Corporation is an alternative asset manager and REIT/Real Estate Investment Manager firm focuses on real estate, renewable power, infrastructure and venture capital and private equity assets. It manages a range of public and private investment products and services for institutional and retail clients. It typically makes investments in sizeable, premier assets across geographies and asset classes. It invests both its own capital as well as capital from other investors. Within private equity and venture capital, it focuses on acquisition, early ventures, control buyouts and financially distressed, buyouts and corporate carve-outs, recapitalizations, convertible, senior and mezzanine financings, operational and capital structure restructuring, strategic re-direction, turnaround, and under-performing midmarket companies. It invests in both public debt and equity markets. It invests in private equity sectors with focus on Business Services include infrastructure, healthcare, road fuel distribution and marketing, construction and real estate; Industrials include manufacturers of automotive batteries, graphite electrodes, returnable plastic packaging, and sanitation management and development; and Residential/ infrastructure services. It targets companies which likely possess underlying real assets, primarily in sectors such as industrial products, building materials, metals, mining, homebuilding, oil and gas, paper and packaging, manufacturing and forest product sectors. It invests globally with focus on North America including Brazil, the United States, Canada; Europe; and Australia; and Asia-Pacific. The firm considers equity investments in the range of $2 million to $500 million. It has a four-year investment period and a 10-year term with two one-year extensions. The firm prefers to take minority stake and majority stake. Brookfield Corporation was founded in 1997 and based in Toronto, Canada with additional offices across Northern America; South America; Europe; Middle East and Asia.